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WAGPON Newsletter – April 2018

By April 4, 2018

WAGPON Newsletter – April 2018

  1. WAMSS Maternal Health Night – Tuesday 5th June 2018

WA Medical Students’ Society are planning a Maternal Health information and skills night on Tuesday 5th June at UWA. They would like begin with 4-5 inspiring speakers who have worked in challenging areas, and then run 3 workshops over the following hour. There would be 3 different workshops, with 2 GPOs running each workshop for 20 minutes and repeating them 3 times, such that each student gets to attend all 3 workshops. They would therefore appreciate 6 GPOs to facilitate.

Workshop themes could include

  1. Pelvic exam
  2. PPH
  3. Instrumental delivery
  4. Shoulder dystocia
  5. Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia
  6. Maternal collapse

If you could make yourself available to assist, please contact me via email and I will put you in touch with the student organisers.

  1. GP Obstetrics Think Tank

Many thanks to those GPOs who attended the GPO Think Tank on 23rd March. Rural Health West are currently putting together a summary of the discussion and an Action List for us to work on over the next 12 months, which will be circulated shortly.

  1. Important information regarding MBS Item 16590 & 16591

Please see the attached letter from Glenys Beauchamp that explains how practitioners should bill these two MBS item numbers. In summary, 16590 is only to be billed by practitioners who intend to privately admit the woman to manage her delivery. 16591 is to be billed by practitioners who intend to admit and manage the woman as a public patient.

  1. STABLE Course – 16 &17 April 2018

There are still some places available to attend the STABLE course at KEMH in a couple of weeks-time. Please see attached flyer for details.

  1. New WAGPON members

If any of your GPO colleagues are not WAGPON members, please forward this email on to them and encourage them to join our mailing list via the WAGPON website.

Warm regards

Sarah Moore
WAGPON coordinator

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