WAGPON Newsletter – February 2018
- AMSA student skills workshop – Friday 6 July 2018
AMSA Convention is an annual event which features medical students from schools all over Australia coming together for academic talks, clinical skills workshops and social events. This year it is being held at the Perth Exhibition Centre. On Friday 6th July, I have been asked to facilitate 2 x 45 minute workshops between 11am and 12:30pm. The focus will be on instrumental delivery and CTG interpretation, aimed at clinical medical students. I would be very grateful for some assistance with facilitating these workshops. If you could make yourself available, please please contact me via email sjdavies80@gmail.com and I will be in touch again soon.
- GP Obstetrics Think Tank and Rural Health West Annual Conference
The GP Obstetrics Western Australian Advisory Group (GPOWAAG) is hosting the annual GP Obstetrics Think Tank on Friday 23 March 2018 at the Hyatt Regency Perth, alongside the Rural Health West 2018 Annual Conference. The event will comprise key presentations and a panel discussion. Attendees will include rural GP obstetricians, obstetricians, gynaecologists and stakeholders with an interest in GP obstetrics.
Time: 6.30pm to 8.30pm
Date: Friday 23 March 2018
Venue: Hyatt Regency Perth, 99 Adelaide Terrace, Perth
As a rural GP obstetrician your input into the evenings discussions would be greatly valued. If you would like to attend please register as soon as possible. More information is available on the website and the application form can be found online here. There is no charge for attendance and partners are most welcome.
The findings from the 2018 Think Tank will be used by the GPOWAAG to support and guide GP obstetric services in outer metropolitan and rural Western Australia.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact
Suzanne Badham
Procedural Programs Coordinator
Education and Skills Development
T 08 6389 4517 | F 08 6389 4501
E suzanne.badham@ruralhw.com.au
3. Rural Pathways Workshop for Doctors in Training and Students at Rural Health West ConferenceRegistrations for the Annual conference are open now online
“Right skills, right place, right time” – explore the opportunities of going rural
Hyatt Regency Perth, Sunday 25 March 2018, 12.30pm-6.30pm, COST $20
During this workshop you will:
- have the opportunity to meet experienced medical mentors
- have access to rural GPs and specialists who live and work in rural WA
- attend a panel discussion about rural pathways
- participate in two hands-on clinical skills stations
See registration form for details
- RANZCOG Regional Scientific Meeting Update
Thursday 26 – Sunday 29 April 2018
Pullman Bunker Bay Resort, Margaret River Region
Highlights for GPs include:
- Dedicated Diplomates Day on Thursday – RACGP: 40 Category 1 (Women’s Reproductive Health) points; ACRRM: PRPD 30 points + 30 MOPS points; 1 Day Rural Procedural Grant (applications pending)
- Friday Workshops:
- Ultrasound (CPD points TBC)
- Fetal Surveillance Education Program workshop: RACGP QI&CPD Program: 40 Category 1 points; ACRRM PDP Program: 14 PRPD + 14 O&G/Women’s Health points
- Mentoring workshop
- Saturday scientific program tailored to both GPs and Fellows
Also on offer
- Free onsite child care
- Discounted accommodation at Pullman Bunker Bay Resort
- School holiday program
- Free return coach transfers from Perth to Pullman Bunker Bay Resort
Register now at www.knowingmeknowingyou.org.au
- “GP Maternity”
Wendy Burton is a GP in Queensland, and is a strong advocate for GPs being an integral part of maternity care. She is getting ready to start a push for her “GP Maternity” campaign, and has been speaking with RANZCOG, RACGP and ACRRM to build support for the cause. Here is a summary of the campaign for your information. She is looking for support from Australian GPs who practice obstetrics and would appreciate your feedback on the following questions. You can email her directly at wendyburton@optusnet.com.au
- Do you have a structured regular attachment at a secondary/tertiary facility to keep your skills sharp? If so, where are you and is it useful? If not, where are you and would you like one?
- If a tertiary hospital with a state of the art simulation centre could offer you a day/2 day simulation, either as a group of GPOs or GPO + other staff from your hospital, would you be interested?
- Obviously, on site simulation with your team is ideal, how gooddo you find these simulations in terms of hands on upskilling?
- If you were to attend a tertiary centre for a simulation, would you prefer one day or two? Friday or Monday or a weekend?
What presentations would you like to see? - What do you think about this potential slogan:
GP Maternity. Where continuity is measured in decades and generations. (or years, decades and generations.)
- RDAWA – join or renew your membership
A message from President of Rural Doctors Association of WA Dr Andrew Kirke –
Join your Rural Doctors Association today ………..and start to benefit.
Your membership directly supports the substantial advocacy and lobbying activities that are undertaken by the state RDA’s and Rural Doctors Association of Australia on your behalf.
Membership includes….
• Access to significant advice and support provided by RDAA and state RDA’s.
• Significant discounts to selected rural medical conferences, including Rural Medicine Australia – Joint Conference with ACRRM (October 25-27 2018 in Darwin)
• RDAA member-only publications including Rural Pulse Magazine, and our weekly e-bulletins RuralDoc.
• Camaraderie, personal support and opportunities to meet and connect with like-minded rural Doctors from across Western Australia at professional and social events (such as Rural Health West Annual Conference in March).
• The ability to become actively involved in setting our policies on a wide range of issues.
Visit www.rdaa.com.au/membershipfor details.
Please share with your Colleagues.
Warm regards
Sarah Moore
WAGPON coordinator